The life cycle of plants is composed of sporophye generation and gemetophyte generation. They show alternation of generation in which gametophytr produce gametes that develop into sporophytic plant. Sporophye produce spores that develop into gametophyte plants.
Bryophytes, pinus etc
Human development is a slow and gradual process. There seems to be slow and gradual change that becomes abrupt change. The mind has many connections and works according to past habits. A person who seeks to improve themselves will gradually change specific areas within their life. After a while there is a cascade effect that causes linked areas to be altered. Skills and methods that required practice and habit forming transition to being a natural part of life. When the personality suddenly changes, I use the term evolution. Whenever one occurs, the person will probably see their past self as problematic.
Las células eucariotas tienen dos funciones primordiales, alimentarse y reproducirse. Las células eucariotas, al igual que las procariotas, llevan a cabo tres funciones esenciales: la nutrición, la relación con el medio y la reproducción. ... Célula con un núcleo definido por una membrana que contiene el material genético.
Level 1 - Cells.
Level 2 - Tissues.
Level 3 - Organs.
Level 4 - Organ Systems.
Level 5 - Organisms.