We can use the word RINGER to memorize the characteristic of living things.
Respiration - the ability to breathe and respire.
Irritability - the ability to detect and react to stimulus
Nutrition - taking in nutrients (eg. Food) for energy to growth, repair etc
Growth - the permanent increase in size and mass
Excretion - to get rid of toxic, waste or excess materials
Reproduction - to make more of that organism.
In addition, there is also movement, which is an action which causes a change in place or position.
Only the organisms with these characteristics are categorized as living things.
B.)Im going to go with because there located bewteen latituides 25º and 40º but are not located in western sides are Eastern sides.
The flu vaccine is a medicinal shot which is supposed to prevent/ and or decrease your chances of getting the flu. It is supposedly working as stated by the producers of this vaccine however many children have been given this vaccine and it dosen`t work. The recommendations are appropriate as it is better to be safe than sorry. However there are some negative effects. For example a person would get a cold afterwards and this of course is sickness. Overall, I recommend not highly, but as i stated earlier it is better to be safe than sorry.
The Pancreas functions as both endocrine and exocrine.
I think fever fights germs by making ur immune system stronger