In the video, science is compared to a tapestry. Explain what is meant by this comparison. 2. Discuss the important contribution
Vesto Slipher made to astronomy and the future discoveries that were made as a result. by this comparison. 3. Explain and give an example of "lookback time". by this comparison. 4. How did the term "Big Bang" become popular and what does it mean? by this comparison. 5. How far back into the universe are we able to see? Explain. 6. Explain what we know about the center of the universe. What's Next After Hubble? <- second lab link 1. Describe at least two unique characteristics of the new space telescope. 2. Discuss the type of information the new telescope will be able to gather.
Science is a tapestry and when you yank at one thread the whole thing may need to be rewoven but sometimes you have to yank the thread. I think the comparison means that scientists may misinterpret things but at the same time may discover new ways to view the universe.
Vesto Slipher contributions were that he took spectra of the spiral nebulae and discovered galactic redshifts. Slipher discovered that most of the objects were moving away from us at high speeds. As a result of this discovery Hubble correlated Slipher’s measurements with distance. He measured by other means to formulate his law which was that the farther away the galaxy was the Faster it was moving away From us.
Recessive alleles are denoted by a lowercase letter (a versus A). Only individuals with an aa genotype will express a recessive trait; therefore, offspring must receive one recessive allele from each parent to exhibit a recessive trait.