Answer: In the atmosphere, nitrogen exists as a gas (N2), but in the soils it exists as nitrogen oxide, NO, and nitrogen dioxide, NO2, and when used as a fertilizer, can be found in other forms, such as ammonia, NH3, which can be processed even further into a different fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, or NH4NO3.
The major ingredient of scientific argument is scientific evidence and known science concepts. Thus through scientific idea, expectations and observations a scientific argument is given birth to. Scientific argument are usually arrived at by mean of scientific methods.
Im 90% sure that the Green anole and Box turtle are the most closely related..
The function of the ovum is to carry the set of chromosomes contributed by the female and create the right environment to enable fertilization by the sperm. Ova also provide nutrients for the growing embryo until it sinks into the uterus and the placenta takes over
To fulfill the people.of america