If you mean Prince Henry the navigator, he was the third son of King John I from Portugal and he was called infante Dom Henrique in Portuguese.
Because Reagan promised to ease their tax burden.
it seems as if buddhism was spread all over Asia. Only men are present and they all have bald heads and this might represent purity as their bodies appear to be hairless. The buddha statue shows a buddha with something on his head. That is striking as they are usually seen as bald headed men in cloth rather than with jewellery or hair adorning their bodies.
My predictions: Buddism represents purity of ones mind body and soul. only men can be a part of buddhism
Question: What is the central belief of buddhism?
A government based on a social contract, is the right answer.
The Second Continental Congress adopted the pronouncement "the Declaration of Independence" during its conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 4th June 1776. Under this declaration, the thirteen colonies of America had to explain why do they regard themselves as a sovereign state.
The thirteen colonies of America in the Declaration of Independence rejected the very idea of the divine right of rule and based their bid for independence on the Social contract theory of John Locke. John Locke in his "Second Treatise of Government" argued that the laws and political orders are the product of humans and are not natural. He also stated that people are born with some natural rights that the government or anyone can't take away. Therefore, these ideas of natural rights were adopted by the authors of the Declaration of Independence.
Malcolm X was an African-American Muslim priest, human rights activist, and prominent leader of black nationalists who served as president of the Nation of Islam during the 1950s and 1960s. As an excellent speaker, Malcolm X managed to get his numerous listeners to his side. His speeches addressed the identity, uncompromisingness and independence of blacks, and he encouraged his followers to defend themselves “by any means,” including violent means if necessary.
Malcolm X fell victim to assassins in February 1965. His legacy is evident in society and popular culture to this day: Malcolm helped, among other things, change the terms Negro and colored to their current forms of black and African American. The later Black Power movement was based on his criticism and ideals.