relative clause
it modifies noun phrase by some grammatical tools
my friend who is coming from America is coming to the dinner
here who is used to indicate the noun phrase
subject verb agreement
A subject and a verb must agree, even when other words or phrases come between them.
The flock of geese is flying south for the winter.
The subject is flock, so the verb should be is flying.
I'd say so. Many youths have disabilities and are bullied for it. Some youths speak out about it because it is actually a real problem. People with disabilities are just victims of something unfortunate, but that doesn't make an excuse to bully them about their condition.
The theme of the poem is about her being young , making life mistakes , and not knowing any better
Okay. I hope I'm right with this
1.) Princes is showing ownership so it's princes' rescues is rescue's and dragons is dragon's
2.) Chocolates would be Chocolate's, and again, ownership, mothers is mothers'
3.) You don't put an apostrophe in takes because you don't put apostrophes in verbs. There is no apostrophe in minutes because it's telling how many minutes it takes to get somewhere. Of course in a sentence like, "Let's have a minute's talk," you would place an apostrophe but not in this case. (Not sure about this answer) And suns you would put an apostrophe after the s because it is again showing ownership.
4.) Don't put an apostrophe in lilacs or curtains because grammar rules are weird. But you do put an apostrophe after the s in rooms because it's the rooms charm. The room owns that charm and it's talking about just one room.
Hope this helps. I don't know if everything I've said is right but I've done my best.