The US and USSR engaged in nuclear arms race because each country was afraid of the other gaining nuclear supremacy.
The Shame of the Cities is a book written by American author Lincoln Steffens. Though Steffens' subject was municipal corruption, he did not present his work as an exposé of corruption; rather, he wanted to draw attention to the public's complicity in allowing corruption to continue.
I believe you meant the red scare"" ... it was mass hysteria scare over the spread of communism in the US and the rest of the world
- The Bush coalition in the 2000 election included not only Republicans (his party supporters), but also voters identifying themselves as independents and as socially conservative Democrats.
In the 2000 election, around 90% of Republican voters said they supported George W. Bush. He also got support from about 60% of voters identifying themselves as independents, as well as nearly 30% of voters identifying themselves as socially conservative Democrats. (Source of statistics: Pew Research Center polling, "The 2000 Elections.")
"Compassionate conservatism" advocated for traditional families, welfare reform, strengthening education, and providing assistance to people and countries in poverty. George W. Bush described it this way: "It is compassionate to actively help our citizens in need. It is conservative to insist on accountability and results."