The correct answer is C. Both Marx and Hegel agreed that competition was inimical to building the ideal society.
Marx and Hegel were the main ideological drivers of communism, beginning to develop this political theory in the 1800s. Both were based on the belief that a perfect society should be homogeneous, that is, without social classes or distinctions among its members. Therefore, they sought the rupture of the concept of social classes, thus achieving a single uniform and egalitarian class where all its members would have the same rights and obligations: the working class. In order to achieve its objective, it was necessary to break the competitive thinking of capitalism, to reach a criterion of collaboration and community, where the means of production and the applied workforce were a common good, and not an object that became in reason of fight between the members of society.
The best option from the list would be the "British," but it should be noted that the French and Spanish were also early colonizers of the land that would become the US.