cil transmitir información sobre los derechos humanos que modificar actitudes y conductas. Es afectar los corazones, los estilos de vida, las convicciones. Educar en derechos humanos no puede reducirse al orden intelectual, pertenece al reino de los sentimientos, de las pasiones, porque supone trascender la palabra y pasar a la acción.
We need the “following” options in order to answer the question. What are your multiple choice answers? The question is too broad to even begin to answer without what the question is aimed toward. I’m sure that you’ll get immediate response once you give the answer: “which of the following”, stated in the body of the question. Sorry.
legal system would be very subjective depending on who committed the crime, who was the victim, where it was, etc. It would be very localized and unfair.
The Case of the Supreme Court Worcester v. Georgia was a small victory for the Cherokee nation in Georgia because it was decided that Georgia laws did not apply to Cherokee territory.
In the Worcester case v. Georgia, the Supreme Court denied Georgia jurisdiction and state authority over the Cherokee community. In other words, this meant that Georgia law and authority did not apply to Cherokee territory. Although this decision was a small victory for the Cherokee people, the decision was not very helpful as the state of Georgia totally ignored the Supreme Court decision and forced the Cherokee community to march west.
d. legislative districts
State legislative districts are areas from which members are being elected into the state legislatures. State legislative districts consists of the upper (senate—SLDU) and lower (house—SLDL) chambers.
The Arizona State Legislature consists of 30 legislative districts, with each legislative district electing one senator and two representatives who are to serve a two year term.