The Knee Flexor Muscles
Explanation: The Hamstrings All three hamstring muscles originate from the ischial tuberosity and run toward the knee. The biceps femoris muscle is inserted into the head of the fibula. It can rotate the lower leg so that the foot points laterally.
The answer is A
The air circulated in a clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere
Dampak negatif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Kelebihan penduduk, polusi, pembakaran bahan bakar fosil, dan penggundulan hutan. Perubahan seperti ini telah memicu perubahan iklim, erosi tanah, kualitas udara yang buruk, dan air yang tidak dapat diminum.
Dampak positif manusia terhadap lingkungan adalah:
Melindungi spesies yang terancam punah dan membersihkan danau dan laut memiliki efek positif terhadap lingkungan. Di rumah, Anda dapat membantu planet ini dengan mendaur ulang limbah dan menanam tanaman atau sayuran.
Genes coding for proteins involved in chiasma formation.
Chiasma is the connecting link between two non sister chromatids from homologous chromosomes. At chiasma chromosomal crossover takes place in which the genetic material is exchanged between the chromatids. During meiosis aneuploidy occurs if chiasma is absent or impaired due to a mutation in genes encoding for proteins involved in chiasma formation.
Aneuploidy is characterised by presence of abnormal number of chromosomes in cells. They can be 45 or 47 in number apart from the usual 46. Due to impaired chiasma, chromosome pair fails to separate and is passed on to the egg or sperm as it is hence there is one gamete with an extra chromosome and one gamete with a less chromosome. Aneuploidy can result in many genetic disorders like three copies of chromosome 21 can result in Down syndrome.