the Miranda rights. this is why the police read you your Miranda rights when you are arrested.
It was made law that a police officer has to read you your rights when you are arrested because a guy with the last name of Miranda didn't know that he had the right to remain silent when he was taken into custody for an awful crime (I think it was either abduction or rape).He told the police everything because he didn't know he had the right to remain silent. He brought his case to court and won the new law was named the Miranda rights after his last name.
B. You, because the word you is the first word of the question and the fist letter of the first word at the beginning of a new sentence is capitalized.
To actually make sure they are doing anything, and that they see that they are making progress
C. Bulb
Our sense of smell is totally dependent on the olfactory bulb. That's because we can smell things, it is necessary that the chemical substances responsible for the fullness are transported by air to our nose, which captures them and takes them to the responsible cells for receiving electrical signals that take these signals to the glomeruli where the olfactory bulb is located, which is the primary olfactory area of our brain.
Victor sees the monster while exploring the mountains.