Periods of division, chaos and anarchy have alternated with periods of unity and strong imperial , centralized rule in China´s history. The Period of Disunion came after the fall of the Han Dynasty in 220 AD. Is lasted over 350 years until China was reunited again. The old Han empire broke into separate, smaller kingdoms that waged war with each other. On the other hand, Nomadic people - "barbarians" for the Chinese - were always a security threat for the empire, there was a permanent threat of invasion by the northern "barbarians."
The Constitution was different from the Articles of Confederation in many ways. The Constitution gave our federal government more power, so it could sufficiently run. Under the Articles of Confederation our government was uni-cameral; the Constitution changed it to bi-cameral (House of Representatives and Senate). The US Constitution also created a court system which was previously not existing in the Articles of Confederation. Our constitution has enable to protect the rights of the citizens.