The most famous piece of Mesopotamian literature is the Epic of Gilgamesh. This piece of literature is about the life story of Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk. He was two-thirds god and one-third man. He was a wise man and physically very beautiful. He began his reign as a despot. He built many temple towers and high city walls using enforced labor. He also raped many women. It did not matter whether they were married, or a daughter of a nobleman. He didn't care. Gilgamesh's subjects cried to the gods and they created a wild man to keep Gilgamesh in check. This epic begins with the wild man and ends where Gilgamesh travels to the end of the world to discover the secrets of the gods. He wrote them down on stone tablets
city where events in Acts begin-Jerusalem
city where events in Acts end-Rome
where the Gospel spread-Asia, Europe, and Africa
where Paul wished to visit-Spain
where the eunuch returned after his conversion-Ethiopia
Very interesting question as there are actually three Indian dynasties during the classical period, which includes:
Maurya Dynasty(300-184BCE)
Kushan Dynasty(40-176AD)
Gupta Dynasty(320-550AD)
Gupta is the most influential one but at the same time the youngest. It might not be in the classical period depending on the source of interpretation.
I suggest you check your readings or ask your teacher to determine the span of the classical period.
Hope this helps!
The answer is C William booth
I hope it helps you this .