The answer is D. Exposition
In vertical files libraries store small printed material. They does not contain original documents or coprehensive information about particular subjects, it usually poses as photocopies, or papers with simple non essential information.
It won't be helpful for studying, but it can be a lot of fun, because you will never know what exactly you can find in there.
One of the Israelites has kept some of the "devoted things" from Jericho for himself instead of destroying them. Therefore
You can seperate the numbers into HUNDREDS, TENS, and ONES
6 x 200 For this you can do 6 x 2, 12 then multiply by 100.
+ add this answer from above to your next answer
6 x 90 = 6 x 9, 54 then multiply this times 10
+ add this answer from above to your next answer
6 x 8 = 48
narrator ADDRESSES the reader - first-person
narrator is detached observer WITHOUT complete knowledge - third-person
narrator who is a PARTICIPANT with LIMITED knowledge - second-person
I capitalized some words so that you can tie the definition with the term.