the pronoun is they
it's they because the sentence doesn't specifically say who 'they' is.
The Ten Commandments can be described as a series of religious and moral ethics which are a moral foundation. The Ten Commandments are a part of the Covenant which are offered by God to the Israelite.
The Ten Commandments show ten actions of restraining which are forbidden by God upon mankind. Hence, the Ten Commandments generally require people to take refrain from certain actions.
Some of these actions are:
1) To abstain from associating partners with Him.
2) abstain from making of idols.
3) do not commit a murder of another person.
4) abstain from stealing.
5) do not bear false witness
6) do no covet
All these commandments show refrain.
There is 4 different words.
third 1
A type of relationship that shows cause and effect is called:
Before arriving to the United States, Gurung's life was always in danger: "Many of us were tortured and imprisoned. We had no choice but to flee to Nepal to save our lives".
He was from Bhutan but he had to go to Nepali's refugee camps. After twenty years, he decided to move to the United States. In the US, he kept struggling, he couldn't find a job and he didn't speak the language: "But here in the United States, my community continues to struggle. We arrived in the U.S. when the economy was at its lowest point, so we struggle to find jobs. Many of us do not speak English, and lack of education makes it even more difficult for us to learn (...)".
However, Gurung explains that he now helps other refugees to have a successful transition between the place where they come from and the United States and he's very happy about it and about his family.
To complete this exercise, you have to read a text about what Til Gurung said in a Refugee Transitions talk, and then summarize what Gurung's life was like before and after arriving in the United States. In his talk, he explains a little bit about his life and how Refugee Transitions is filling a need in his community.