Answer: negative reinforcement by escape
Explanation: Negative reinforcement occurs when a disliked or aversive stimulus is prevented or altered or stopped. The scenario above describes negative reinforcement by escape which means that an aversive, unwanted or disliked event is removed after it has occurred. Escape is a negative reinforcement and occurs when the aversive stimulus has occurred before being removed. In the context above, Tom was only able to prevent his loss after it has occurred, meaning an escape negative reinforcement.
Answer: Demand characteristics.
Demand characteristics are the traits shown by participant of the research and experiment in which they behave according to the expectancy of researcher or experiment so that aim of the research can be accomplished .This creates biasness in research process and decrease validity of the experiment.
According to the question, John's positive reply to the situation where someone need helps if his/her car is broken displays the impact of demand characteristics .In actuality , he would probably not help the person by stopping and he just answered in positive manner to support the study.Thus, the reply is biased.
According to Batson (1991), when people experience empathy for another in need, they will help.
Ormrod, J. E. (2012). Human learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing.
The APA reference style is a citation style commonly used in humanities and related fields. It follows this basic structure:
Author's surname, First initial of author's given name (Year of publication). <em>Book title</em>. City of publisher, State of publication: Editor/Publisher.
Following this structure, the correct APA reference for this book is: Ormrod, J. E. (2012). <em>Human Learning</em>. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Publishing.