2.Getting a good education
sorry if im wrong
Answer and explanation:
First, let's understand the difference between categorical and quantitative variables. A quantitative variable can also be called a numerical variable. As this name suggests, it involves numbers. It can be measured numerically and be used in calculations - this is important, because not everything that has numbers is used in calculations; take the zip code as an example. On the other hand, a categorical variable cannot be expressed numerically in the same way described above. It is related to a certain quality or characteristic of something. For instance, you can attribute the number one to a person who is sick and the number two to a person who is not sick. The numbers are just a representation of the qualities; they won't be used in calculations. Now, we can safely judge the options given:
The price in dollars of statistics textbooks. --> quantitative
The working status of a computer part (working/not working). --> categorical
The gender of faculty in the mechanical engineering department. --> categorical
The number of miles until failure of a certain brand of tires. --> quantitative
The political party affiliation of students at OSU. --> categorical
The time to complete an exam. --> quantitative
The shirt sizes of a running club. --> categorical
Ethical Dimensions offers workshops which explore the multiple dimensions of ethics education. The exploration begins with a wide range of traditional concerns in areas such as codes and guidelines, confidentiality, informed consent, roles and boundaries, standards of practice, dual role relationship, and sexual misconduct. The journey then deepens and broadens into areas such as self-care, skillful communication, using power with heart, informed decision making and ethics as soul work.
Workshops interpret and present Ethics as Right Use of Power. All of the courses are held in the context of power and heart. Power is relational energy that either heals or is destructive. The forgotten beauty of power in ethics courses is often the side of power that is creative and wise ~ the side that promotes healing and empowerment. Learning to dance gracefully and skillfully within the web of our own power style is a lifetime journey. The experiential nature of the classroom experience provides a learning that is readily available in real life context. This approach guides you to a deeper connection with your own ethical nature and inner landscape.
<span>Ethical Dimensions offers continuing education for massage therapists, body workers,
</span><span>teachers and faculty on staff with massage therapy schools, and other health care providers. The educational offerings are useful to the novice as well as the seasoned practitioner. </span>
I would like to make sure that every child on this earth has a safe place to live, and a safe owner who is taking care of that child. No kid deserves to live on a street, or in an abusive household.
Piensa antes de hablar. ...
Una vez que estés tranquilo, expresa tu enojo. ...
Haz ejercicio. ...
El potencial personal que tendría que poner en práctica las estrategias para manejar la ira es el siguiente.
Cuando esté enojado, haga algo de ejercicio porque la energía de la ira se usa en el ejercicio. No hable nada cuando esté en un estado de ira, hable solo cuando esté tranquilo y luego exprese su enojo. Ignora las cosas que aumentan tu ira.