Be less concerned about money and work.
It was important that civil service positions were not hereditary so that officials would be well-qualified. The fear was that if these positions were hereditary or inherited by a parent then officials would not really qualify for the position they inherited. There would be no requirements to serve except that their parent was previously an official. By not allowing this officials would be required to qualify on their merits and not based on who they were related too. Thus better and more qualified officials would exist. The answer is A) so officials would be well-qualified.
The US and Brits wouldn't have access to Russia to send supplies and Russia is cold so both countries would have to wait till spring to counter-attack.
Trail by ordeal was an ancient judicial practice by which the guilt or innocence of the accused was determined by subjecting them to a painful, or at least unpleasant usually dangerous experience. The test was one of life or death, and the proof of innocence was survival. In some cases the accused was considered innocent if they escaped the injury or if their injuries healed.