A mutualistic and A a decrease in the number of corals
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La respuesta correcta es opción C. "Contar con organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos".
Una de las características que diferencia a las células procariontes de las eucariontes, es que las células eucariontes tienen organelos membranosos como los cloroplastos. Las células eucariontes son más complejas que las celulas procariontes, y tienen organelos rodeados por membranas donde efectúan sus distintas funciones celulares. Las células procariontes no tienen organelos y realizan la mayoría de sus funciones directamente en el citoplasma.
When cells communicate by the signaling process, one cell produces a signaling molecule that must be received by the signal receptor on or in the responding cell. Signaling molecules are often called ligands, a general term for molecules that bind specifically to other molecules (such as receptors).
The period of Convalescence is the time during which the person regains health and fully recovers.
- Diseases that can spread from one person to other are called infectious disease.
- Disease development is divided into Incubation period, Prodromal period, period of illness, Decline period, and period of Convalescence.
- During incubation period the pathogen enters the host body and starts multiplying itself. But the signs of diseases are unnoticeable.
- Then comes the prodromal period, when the pathogen keeps multiplying itself and some signs of disease are observed but they are not obvious
- After the prodromal period comes the period of illness when the patient exhibits obvious signs of sickness.
- As the period of illness is over the symptoms of disease start to cease and the the number of pathogen decrease in body.This period is the period of decline.
- Finally comes the period of Convalescence when the person returns to his pre-disease state and is completely healthy. (except irreversible damage caused by the disease)