iambic meter rather simply as lines of poetry containing iambs. But what's an iamb? When talking about poetic meter, the most basic unit is known as a metrical 'foot.' An iamb is such a foot having two syllables: the first unstressed, or 'weak,' and the second stressed.
Textual analysis, as part of the metodolgy of Content analysis, works as a good technique to gather information from other people to see how they see the world, members of various cultures. Different information can be analyzed such as that contained in pictures, text, audio or video. Textual analysis of course is using only written text.
For the specific topic of the expanded role of gender in pop culture a good source of media are the blogs online which is a discussion or informational website with diary-style text entries people can make a blog (post some text) and it gets displayed in reverse chronological order, so the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page, Whe someone makes a blog it is people that want to inform others sharing information and their points of view. Some of them are really prepared and even have a college degree from some university in gender studies, and they post online, which is a pop media platform; therefore, they would be the best source of information and it could provide us with examples of historic actions that prove that gender roles have changed.
Nowadays you can have a diferent biological gender that the one you represent, example of this is Angela Ponce a transgender born male in Spain competing on the female miss universe contest.
Ambidextrous able to use both hands with equal ease
• ambiguity something that does not have a clear meaning
• ambition (1) a specific goal or aim
(2) is apart of ambition.) (2) a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous
• ambivalence (1) simultaneous and contradictory feelings toward something or
• ambience (1) the feeling or mood of a specific place
• amphibian (1) an animal that can live both on land and water
• amphibious (1) able to be used both on land and in water
• amphitheater (1) a large building or outdoor space with seats in curved, raised rows around an open space
• ambulance (1) a vehicle specially equipped for transporting injured or sick
people, especially in an emergency
• instructions (1) a statement that tells the reader how to do something
Hope this helps
Radhe radhe
I think thats a.............. DUCK WITH A BIG BUTT!!!!!!
The main reason why Franz Kafka, before his death, instructed his friend Max Brod to destroy all his unpublished manuscripts was because he didn't want his unfinished work to be read.