<span>The case of Marbury v Madison was a landmark decision due to the fact that it upheld the limited powers of a specific branch of government, and ensured that no such cabinet official would be able to be above the law by implementing the concept of the writ of mandamus.</span>
James' popularity with the colonists allowed him to "<span>stand against the wave of revolutions long after other colonies had rebelled" although it should be noted that he wasn't able to "escape" all of the uprisings. </span>
More versions of the same product will be out on the market, some may fail, leaving two or three different brands behind.
During World War II, as an alternative to rationing, Americans planted “victory gardens,” in which they grew their own food. Families were issued ration stamps that were used to buy their allotment of everything from meat, sugar, fat, butter, vegetables and fruit to gas, tires, clothing and fuel oil.