Jews were not the only people the Nazis targeted. How did the Nazi reign of terror affect other non-“Aryans” living in Europe? N
ot many, but some of those the Nazis did not target did speak up and attempt to fight back. Do you think more people should have been a part of the resistance? Why or why not? What were the risks involved? What were the potential benefits?
Although Jews were the primary victims of the Nazi’s evil, many other groups were targeted based on both racial and political grounds. Other groups singled out by the Nazis, the physically and mentally disabled, Roma (gypsies), Poles and other Slavic peoples, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and members of political opposition groups.
General Douglas MacArthur, the commander of the U.N. forces in Korea, issued an unauthorized statement containing a veiled threat to expand the war into China if the Communist side refused to come to terms. ... On April 11, 1951, President Truman relieved MacArthur of his command.