a. it was mostly known for the executing if i am correct.
Mayormente eran mercantes y banqueros lo que llevo a un desarollo comercial sin precedentes donde la industria privada florecio.
I think that one of the main ones most of the time is drought as we have such a dry and hot climate. But currently flooding is an issue, in Tasmania we just had the biggest flood since the 1921 floods (Look it up).
Northern parts of Australia are also prone to tropical cyclones
The "Reconquista" was a series of wars fought or waged by the Christian kingdoms to reclaim the lands taken or ruled by the Muslims. It was part of the Crusades against the Christian kingdoms conquered by the Muslim rulers.
This series of wars lasting more than 500 years was an attempt by European Christians to reclaim their lands that were taken by the Muslim rulers. And in reclaiming the Iberian Peninsula which had been majorly under the control of Muslim rulers, the Christian kingdom of Aragon teamed with another Christian kingdom of Castile. But an important fact to be remembered is that not only do the Christian kingdoms fight the Muslims to reclaim their lands, they also did fight against each other, which also included another Christian kingdom of Portugal.