its good no word its wrong and if is wrong im sorry
This question is really geared more towards your own interpretation, so there isn't necessarily going to be a right or wrong answer. I would say that today the first amendment protects when people are speaking out against policies and general injustices in the American society today, and for instance, on social media I have seen people say "f trump and f america." The first amendment is protecting them, so that nobody can hold that statement against them and press charges. If we lived in russia, the russian secret police would find you, and kill you for that. Personally, I believe that if someone wanted to burn an american flag on their front lawn, and curse america, they should not be protected by the first amendment. that should be a crime. However, the first amendment does protect them, so there is nothing anyone could do about that legally.
Monotheism is the belief in one God, and ethical monotheism in the belief that our ethics or morality comes from this God.
It is important, as this is the prodominant view of Christians, Muslims and Jews, and as such influenced the behaviour of a big part of human population. It also means that people's morality can be influenced by religious leaders, who claim they know what pleases this God.
The economy runs better without governmental involvement.
In the Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith lays out a very robust theory about how the economy works, this is why many economists consider him to be the Father of the economic science.
Adam Smith's main thesis was that people, acting own their own interest, were guided by the invisible hand, leading to positive results that benefited the whole of society, even if that was not the main goal of economic actors in first place (their main goal being furthering their own interests).
For this reason, Smith thought that most government intervention was unecessary, since according to him, economic actors tended to self regulate in the market, and to produce an optimal result for society. He did justify some government intervention though: in the military, in the judicial system, and in some basic social services in order to care for the poor, the elderly, and the sick.
The action that has come to symbolize the end of the Cold War is 3. tearing down the Berlin Wall. The Wall had been formed by the Soviet Union to separate East Berlin (Soviet-controlled) from West Berlin (Western-controlled). Its fall allowed Berliners (and Germans) from the Eastern half finally make their way to the Western half.