The angle of jaw and type of teeth in each jaw are the main big differences.
Lichen colonization of a rock field exposed by a retreating glacier(Primary Succession)
some examples of secondary succession:-Fire, hurricane, tornado
,Human disturbances: logging, mining, farming
- Changes that occur in an existing area
- Soil was already present
- -Rapid growth
<em>The labels <u>I-VII</u> represent the different stages of primary succession. I-bare rocks, II-pioneers (mosses, lichen, algae, fungi), III-annual herbaceous plants, IV-perennial herbaceous plants and grasses, V-shrubs, VI-shade intolerant trees, VII-shade tolerant trees.</em>
<span>A. The elevated vertical board from which the hoop projects ---------- 9. Backboard
B. The most basic shot in basketball; uses the backboard ------------- 6. Lay-up
C. A pass used to cover very long distances ------------------ 5. Overhead pass
D. A pass used for very long distances, but with higher velocity ----- 7. Baseball pass
E. Either of the two goals in basketball --------------10. Basket
F. A common pass that utilizes the floor --------------- 4. Bouncing pass
G. A common pass aimed at the torso of another player ------ 2. Chest pass
H. Term for dribbling the ball from the front to the back of the body --- 3. The spider
I. Repeatedly bouncing the ball on the floor ------- 1. Dribbling
J. A common shot usually taken 5 to 50 feet away from the basket ------ 8. Jump shot</span>
Critical period because they had fully developed their vision