An example of a theory is Evolution, we don't really know 100% how we came to be as we are now, but we do know that 1+1=2 as a fact, same with gravity, we Know it exists because it's what ties us to earth and we can "feel" it, but not Evolution, Evolution is a theory, just like the BingBang
Torture in the Medieval Inquisition began in 1252 with a papal bull Ad Extirpanda and ended in 1816 when another papal bull forbade its use. Although the torture that was sanctioned by the bull was less severe than the torture that could be found in contemporary secular courts.
It made travel more affordable. It increased racial conflicts. production to increased.
It shows that the war resulted in a new illusion of omnipotence."In April 1917 the illusion of isolation was destroyed, America came to the end of innocence, and of the exuberant freedom of bachelor independence. That the responsibilities of world power have not made us happier is no surprise. To help ourselves manage them, we have replaced the illusion of isolation with a new illusion of omnipotence" Barbara Tuchman