Answer: Congress
The legislative branch of the U.S. government is called Congress. Congress has two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress meets in the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC. to the President.
The increasing use of executive orders by presidents suggests that presidents have been trying to take more power into their own hands rather than working with Congress to change laws.
In part this is due to difficulties with deep divisions in Congress, which makes cooperation to pass legislation in Congress more and more challenging.
In part it also has to do with presidents seeking greater authority for the executive office. Presidents will tend to do so especially in times of war or other perceived national crisis. Arthur Schlesinger's 1973 book, <em>The Imperial Presidency</em>, looked at how presidential powers, particularly in foreign affairs, tended to be increased by all presidents in wartime. While our Constitution seeks to check and balance powers between the branches of government, the Executive Branch tends to want to streamline execution of plans and programs. Presidents will issue executive orders to get something done in more direct fashion than working through Congress to get it accomplished.
I mean debate can encourage new laws but if you have one side wishing for laws and the other against it. It will usually slow legislation which is entirely the purpose. But it depends on what view are you taking it from because th end result can be no legislation at all or even a relaxation of legislation in fact that's happened in some states. So it depends on the view and narrative you wish to push. because it can be a semblance of all but B. If you're a centrist you'd probably say this debate will encourage new laws but the whole point of not wishing for infringements upon one's rights means no new laws. If you wanted new laws then this debate is a waste of time but you're angering a large portion of the population because you seek not to listen to the statistics and thereby information one may have that may dissuade from the legislation. And if you look at D it can be so. If 2 cannot agree then rights will not be infringed upon. Unless the side with more representatives that disagrees with the right then such laws will be enacted. Yes, they can place new restrictions and there you can make the case it's unconstitutional and etc because well there is ground and a foundation laid upon there. But as far as an actual thing it'd be A I suppose. But I'd question the teacher because it depends on how one views a division. It can be either cooperative relationships that can be mended or an all or nothing if it's not my way then we will have conflict and it shall erupt. It all depends.