Israel was created by the United Nations in the territory of Palestine, which is the ancient homeland of the Jewish People. Ever since its formation in 1947, Jewish People from other areas of the world, mainly from Europe, moved to the new country. The problem was that this area was already inhabited by Palestines, who are ethinically arabs, and whose religion is Islam. For this reason, from the beginning Israelis and Palestines had conflicts.
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Following a unified approach, an objective criterion has been developed for the determination of yearwise onset and withdrawal dates of the summer monsoon over the 19 subregions across India. In total 14 meteorological parameters are considered in the development of the objective criteria, two of which represent heating over south Asia-Middle East sector and Tibet-Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush Highlands (THIKHIHILS), two intensity of the general atmospheric circulation (GAC) over eastern hemisphere, three intensity of regional circulations and seven local hydro-meteorological conditions.
True as the consequences of there actions can be seen in ethnic enclave disputes in other countries that formerly belonged to the Soviet Union.