New questions in EnglishNew questions in EnglishNew questions in EnglishNew questions in English
Keep it short
Always paraphrase
Never put your opinion of the issue
Reread to understand what you're writing about
Make sure to add the main idea
No everyone is a superhero in there own special way. You don't need to have superpower to help someone. You just got to be yourself.
Hope this is the answer you were looking for!!!
Because he died right on sote
Power can corrupt when someone is looking for power and when they start liking it, so they will go out and try to think they are better than other people.
The balance of power between the characters changed because when the man was stuck in the well the children thought they had more power over the man in the beginning of the story, but at the end of the story, the man in the well gained more power over over the children when he was making them scared because he knew their names which frightened them.