10-100 million metric tons of carbon move through the slow carbon cycle every year.
Gram's staining is a differential staining technique that employs a primary stain like crystal violet and a counter stain like safranin along with the decolourizing agent alcohol and a mordant called the Gram's iodine.
Iodine is a mordant added after the primary stain. It fixes the stain by combining with it to enchance the staining ability. This forms an insoluble crystal violet iodine complex appearing purple under the microscope. These microorganisms are classified as Gram positive.
If addition of iodine is skipped, crystal violet is not fixed on the slide and the insoluble complex is not formed. The cells are decolourized by alcohol and are stained by the counter stain safranin making the Gram positive cells wrongly indentified as Gram negative due to its pink colouration. Thus, the slide will show all the cells as pink coloured Gram negative cells.
The most important compound in living beings includes nucleic acid, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
The correct answer will be option-B
Meissner corpuscles are one of four types of mechanoreceptors which response to mechanical pressure.
The corpuscles are very adaptive and sensitive receptors which convert the stimuli to action potential and send them to the Central nervous system.
The corpuscles are found in the areas which are exposed to touch or are sensitive to touch like in the fingers of the hand and the lips.
Since the deaf and blind lady distinguishes people with a light touch, therefore, these Meissner corpuscles are involved in helping identify the individuals.
Thus, Option-B is the correct answer.