ummm okay ummm this is a dum question parents guide u thru ur love life so u dont fail e
My best guess for this question is to find good topic to talk about, and if your topic is too broad it may be hard to find information. So if your topic is too broad you have to do a lot of research, and find information that you thought made sense.
What is the story so I can answer?
‘My cousin likes to exaggerate when he tells stories’ is the right answer
Present participle phrases and gerund phrases are easy to confuse because they both begin with an ing word. The difference is the function that they provide in a sentence. A present participle phrase will always act as an adjective while a gerund phrase will always behave as a noun.
It is more suitable to use the gerund form of the verb following the main verb, if the main verb is in the past tense (here, "finish")