Different colour occur due to heterozygous nature.
Most of the puppies just like parents because the black colour gene or allele is dominant over other colour allele whereas other colour puppies also formed due to presence of heterozygous type of alleles. Other colour occurs due to appearance of recessive allele in the physique of the offspring or formation of hybrids occurs which causes colour other than black and white in the offspring. In the F1 generation all the offspring resembles to the male parent but after this generation some offspring resembles to male, some are hybrids and other resembles to female.
Recycling paper uses 60% less energy than making paper from raw materials. Every ton of recycled paper saves:
· 4,100 kWh of electricity
· 380 gallons of oil
· 4.6 cubic yards of landfill space
· 7,000 gallons of water; and
· 17 trees
3. IV:height of drop DV:height of bounce CV: type of ball, place where ball is dropped, climate/wind
4. IV: battery type DV: time that it lasts CV: age of batteries, age of material (flashlights), type of materials (flashlights), size of batteries
5. IV:depth of water DV: temperature CV: amount of water in lake, temperature, climate/season
The process of passing genetic material from one generation to the next depends completely on how cells grow and divide. To reproduce, a simple organism such as bacteria or yeast simply copies its DNA (through a process called replication) and splits in two. But organisms that reproduce sexually go through a complicated dance that includes mixing and matching strands of DNA (a process called recombination) and then reducing the amount of DNA in special sex cells to arrive at completely new genetic combinations for their offspring.
There are two basic kinds of organisms — ones with a nucleus and those without a nucleus (a compartment filled with DNA surrounded by a membrane called a nuclear envelope):
<span>Prokaryotes: Organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and therefore have DNA floating loosely in the liquid center of the cell. Prokaryotes divide, and thus reproduce, by simple mitosis.</span><span>Eukaryotes: Organisms that have a well-defined nucleus to house and protect the DNA. Eukaryotes divide by meiosis for sexual reproduction.</span>
Hey, the right answer is <u>(C) Condensation And Evaporation.</u>
<u>Hope this helped out.</u>