Privilege allows people to get away with awful things. Certain challenging events can make people better. Rich students should be held accountable for their actions.
the core's extreme temperature and density are just right for the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium through the proton-proton chain.Energy is made through the process of nuclear fusion. This is when two hydrogen nuclei join to make helium. This occurs in the sun's core where there is very high pressure and temperature.
Nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium occurs naturally in the sun and other stars. It takes place only at extremely high temperatures. That’s because a great deal of energy is needed to overcome the force of repulsion between the positively charged nuclei. The sun’s energy comes from fusion in its core, shown in the Figure below. In the core, temperatures reach millions of degrees Kelvin.
# Bora 7#
He likes candy chicken omg you don’t know
It was named after the ship, <em>Mayflower,</em> which is the ship the English colonist used to arrive to America.