jest read the question then find the suitable answer like for ex:
i am ??? what am i a girl
1. The tone is cautious and foreboding. It warns the reader that soon, something unexpected and bad will happen.
2. Phrases to support this include;
- "If it hasn't happened yet, it will happen soon".
- "If you don't like bugs, watch out."
The writer of the article warns the reader of something that happens after every seventeen years and that is the appearance of the Cicadas. It can be an overwhelming experience when the Cicadas appear from all corners, taking over the environment.
People who do not like bugs might find the emergence of these bugs overwhelming and that is why the writer warns them to watch out for the Cicadas.
Am no professional but enlargement would do but she should first talk to a physician and you shouldn't worry about your breasts there's more to life that just that
An ailment is a disease that is very common but not serious