the 54th massachusetts
The most famous combat operation of the Civil War with participation of African American was the assault on Fort Wagner, carried out on July 18, 1863 by the 54th Massachusetts Black Volunteer Regiment (commander Colonel Robert Shaw). It was the first regular military unit in US history to consist entirely of African Americans. The 54th Massachusetts regiment became widely known for its courage, and this event contributed to the formation of new African American regiments, which, according to President Lincoln, played an important role in the victory of the North.
Civil law
criminal law
lawyer bangs the gavel
Economic hardship created by the Great Depression
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
This is the way we experience these Greek contributions today
Drama/Theater: Greek authors were fantastic writers who wrote classic plays of different genres. For instance, in Athens, the most important city-state of ancient Greece, they built the Theatron, were artists performed these plays in the first form of theaters, as we know them today.
History: Ancient Greece is an obligated reference in human history for the importance of its culture, civilization, literature, and pantheon of gods that influenced other civilizations such as the Romans. His political history is so influential into a modern-day form of governments, like the one in the United States, in that the Athenians were the first to develop the concept of Democracy, and the right of men to elect their rulers.
Trial by Jury: the Board of Archons were the ones who imparted justice in ancient Greece. It was formed by nine members who listened to the complaints of the Greek people. This concept influenced the Romans and modern-day justice systems such as the one in the United States.
Chile es un país rico en recursos naturales, con una cultura variada y ubicado en el fin del mundo. Cuenta con una historia de doscientos años desde sus inicios, pero para lograr lo que somos hoy en día se debió pasar por diversas etapas que marcaron nuestra actual identidad.
Desde el comienzo cuando el continente fue descubierto por el reino de España en la conquista, durante el siglo XVI se estableció una colonia en manos de Pedro de Valdivia bajo el virreinato del Perú. Frente a estos hechos basaremos nuestro ensayo, en el cual analizaremos y explicaremos la organización política colonial junto con sus derivadas administraciones y de esta manera proceder a hacer una comparación con el sistema de los años posteriores a la …ver más…