I would use two sources of data for income and two for literacy. For average income I would consult the censuses if they were available at that time. In particular I would check the differences between the years 1800 and 1850. Also I would check employment records for the same trades/professions for the two years. For literacy, I would check the school records to see if there was an increase in youth completing high school and also check the university records to see how many graduates there were in the two years.
I love them! Jake up or Edward?
I can't decide.
The picture depicts a large mass of people, leading one to make the conclusion that the cities were over-populated. The answer is b
לכן, כאשר אתה משתמש במנגפקה עם נחל ג'יימס סאראוואק הוא יעבוד ב 32 °
The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta, or "Great Charter," affirmed that everyone is subject to the law -- even the king. It was an agreement between King John and the nobility in 1215, but its listing of rights provided instrumental founding principles for the wider establishment of rights for all citizens in the centuries following -- including the rights guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States.