Well depends what time your talking about but both were great nations back then and still are but England had the superior Navy while France had better leaders both are really strong but the British are more reliable because of their navy even present day so I would pick England . Hope this helped you
The answer is to slowly readmit the confederate states to the union
The correct answer is:
Socrates was Plato's instructor and the concept of “the philosopher” whom Plato characterizes in his Dialogues which gives the reader a portrait of Socrates, for that no individual biography exists, and also gives the reader something of the education of Socrates himself.
1968 was one of the most turbulent years in America, many events happened in society and politics. During this period, America was at war in Vietnam but society’s opinion about the war shifted. This caused a crisis on the Democratic party because President Johnson lost approval which led to a dispute between Hubert Humphrey and Robert Kennedy.
People demanded Civil Rights and the end of the limitations imposed by the Black Codes. African Americans wanted the right to vote and to live an equal life at the same time society demanded the end of the Vietnam War. When Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated, riots spread around America.
These riots and protests against the Vietnam War and looking for Civil Rights were a reflection of political change around the world. The world faced a moment of social conflicts filled with popular rebellions. The main targets were the military and bureaucratic elites that invested in political repression. The Hippie movement also preached peace and love and another view of the world.