William Jennings Bryan is a Democrat, has support of populists and wants inflation to help farmers. William McKinley is a republican, has support of bankers and businessmen, and doesn’t inflation
sry it just a joke
The war between the United States and the Confederate States began on April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina. The immediate cause was Constitutional principle: the U.S. government refused to recognize the southern states' right to secede from the Union, and the C.S.
The Golden Age of Greece was the time period from 500BC - 300BC.
The Life of Alexander the Great was from 356BC - 323BC. Although this occurs within the Golden Age of Greece time period, the Golden Age of Greece started much earlier than the birth of Alexander the Great.
The Hellenistic Age was the time period from 323BC - 31BC. The Hellenistic Age started from the death of Alexander the Great, and lasted until the emergence of the Roman Empire.
The Greco-Roman Age was the time period from 332BC - 395AD. Although this era overlaps with the Hellenistic Age, there is no option other than A which has this order.
Article I
Article I describes the design of the legislative branch of US Government -- the Congress. Important ideas include the separation of powers between branches of government (checks and balances), the election of Senators and Representatives, the process by which laws are made, and the powers that Congress has.