Operation Rolling Thunder was a sustained bombing campaign against North Vietnam. This was a campaign run by the troops of the United States and the Republic of Vietnam forces (South Vietnam) and took place from 2nd of March 1965 until 2nd of November 1968. There were several reasons for the operation including stopping the flow of North Vietnamese commodities and men into the South, bombing North Vietnam's transportation system and to boost South Vietnam's morale.
She briefly returned Roman Catholicism to England, and for five years of her reign remained remembered as Bloody Mary for persecuting Protestants.
In January 1554, there was a Protestant rebellion led by Thomas White that Jane Gray wanted to return to the throne. Jane and her husband Dudley, along with his brothers, have been charged with treason and conspiracy against Mary.
They were tried in London on November 13, 1553. All the accused were found guilty and sentenced to death. According to the verdict, Jane should have either been burned alive on the Tower Hill or beheaded in the Tower of London, as Mary wished. Jane and Guildford were executed on February 12, 1554.
Already in January 1554, just six months after Mary was crowned, all important Protestant clergymen fled to German lands to escape the persecution of married clergy. In March, she ordered all bishops to remove married priests.
Parliament met in April and agreed with Mary's decision to establish laws punishing heretics, provided she forgets about returning the land to the monasteries. The Catholic Church, and the legal and religious consequences of her half-brother's rule. She sought to restore the Church of England to the Roman Catholic Church.
To this end, Parliament repealed all Edward VI laws, and persecuted the protagonists of the previous Protestant government by all means. About three hundred of them were executed by burning at the stake. The first executor was John Rogers, the man who translated the Bible into English, and among those executed was Thomas Cranmer, a priest who arranged for the annulment of the marriage of Mary's parents.
The Texas Culture Change Coalition is a non-profit initiative that is dedicated to transforming the culture of long-term care provided to Texans, who are aging or have disabilities, by affirming the dignity and value of each individual and the caregivers who provide support for them.