Could you be more specific? So I can help you in the best way I can.
a table of the chemical elements arranged in order of atomic number, usually in rows, so that elements with similar atomic structure (and hence similar chemical properties) appear in vertical columns.
<em>Remember, </em>Malware is a word coined from the words Malicious-Software (Mal...ware). Thus, Malware could be defined as software that is intentionally designed by cybercriminals to gain access or cause damage to a computer or network.
a. Cindy may learn the difference between these two techniques used to create a malware attack:
- through downloads from malicious websites: An attacker may design a malicious website; in which unsuspecting users who visit the site may click to download certain files, but these are actually malware software been installed.
- through malicious emails: This email may contain attachments which if opened or downloaded by an unsuspecting user would infect their computer with malware.
b. Here are some common suggestions;
- Never open attachments from strange email addresses.
- install a paid antivirus software.
- be mindful of websites with too many ads.
ELO 4.2 A department requires access to the database application from Monday to Friday, 9AM to 5 PM. Last Thursday at 1 PM, the application crashed, and it took six hours to fix the problem. What was the availability of the application during the week?