In mental trigger list discussed in Dave Crenshaw's training video helps sort gathering points.
One of the concepts Dave discusses is reducing the sources of raw materials in order to increase productivity. He refers to this as a gathering place.
Simply put, a collection point is a location for unprocessed objects like your voicemail, paper tray, or email inbox. It is a location where things are kept while you think about what to do with them.
Some colleges have used his books The Myth of Multitasking: How "Doing It All" Gets Nothing Done and Invaluable: The Secret to Becoming Irreplaceable as teaching resources.
To learn more about Dave Crenshaw here
Generally the term used to describe changes to an organisms surrounding, especially in the organisms in that particular area is called succession
In a democracy, if the population or the people of the democracy participates in the formulation of the policies to allow citizens to the mainstream politics is inclusive democracy.
The classical definition of inclusive democracy expresses democracy as direct economic democracy, political democracy, and democracy for the social realm. It helps in the organization of society with economy, polity, and nature.
A natural disaster that destroyed all farms in the region