Since capitalism is based around the production and trade, consumerism as a movement that promoted consumtion logically increased the demand and the production. The more people consumed, the more profit did the companies have. By definition, consumerism promotes over consumtion of goods and services that are not neccessary or needed. Using the means of marketing and promotion, companies affect people's behavior by increasing the demand for certain products and therefore creating trends. In consumerism, products lose their value and are easily replacable. Also the appetite for variety of different products is increased.
joe Biden and Donald trump
Answer: Lyman Beecher was a Presbyterian minister, the father of 13 children, many of whom became noted figures, including Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
There are two interpretations of this:
1) It was a "gift" to Ukraine, marking the amicable relations between Ukraine and the Soviet Union, to bring them even closer
2) It made the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic more ethnically Russian; which would shift the dynamics in it and tie it even closer to Soviet Union (And for example make it less likely that it would try to split )