Which language is this ..can u clarify plzz
a) les modes d'hebergement:
<span><span>la ferme-auberge, l'auberge,,l'hôtel,le gîte rural
</span> b) les
destinations de vacances:
-la montagne, la campagne,l'étranger
c) les objectifs des vacanciers:
-les rencontres, les visites,les promenades,les sorties,la tranquilité, le sport
Exemple :
Les vacanciers qui vont à la campagne recherchent la tranquilité et apprécient de faire des promenades en pleine nature.
Josiane thinks Didier is a better chef than her. Vrai ou faux?
Faux (false)
Josiane says "... je cuisine mieux que toi."
She says "I cook better than you", you being Didier.
Didier thinks that girls don't always cook better than boys. Vrai ou faux?
Vrai (true)
Didier says "Les filles ne sont pas toujours les meilleures pour la cuisine."
He says "Girls are not always the best for cooking."
It's cool that you get to visit Belgium. Here are some interesting things about Belgium.Belgium is word famous for there chocolate and there beers. Belgium got it's name from Romans. Belgium holds the record for the longest period without a government. Belgium's number one sport is football. Belgium has three official langues and none are called Belgium.
Some things in Belgium are a lot like the United States. For example,In Belgium sports are a big deal and are important to the people that live there. They value there foods a lot and they value there reputation when it comes to there foods. They have there own anthem like america does.
Some things in Belgium are very different from the United States. For example,If you were to live in Belgium you would have 84.96% less likely to end up in prison. You will have the chance to live 36 more years than usual. And you would have 13.89% more free time Have a great trip! Bring me back a souvenir! your friend, ( insert your name here)