A federal case in Texas would begin in a US Court of Appeals for Circuit Five. The US Court of Appeals for the Fifth circuit handles appeals from district courts in Texas Louisiana and Mississippi.
A Roman legion (from Latin legio "military levy, conscription", from legere "to choose") normally indicates the basic ancient Roman army unit recruited specifically from Roman citizens. In reference to the early Roman Kingdom (as opposed to the Roman Republic or Empire), "the legion" means the entire Roman army.
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a primary source is a source that was wrote or filmed during the time it is about
The Beringia theory, talks about that in the Ice Age, so much water was frozen into glaciers that the sea level dropped low enough to reveal a land bridge connecting Siberia and Alaska. The theory is that humans from Siberia walked across the Bering land bridge, following large game, and entered North America that way. From there, they spread south and across the continents.