When someone moves to a place of higher education, financial issues are usually a big factor. Can they afford it? Is there ways help lower costs? Are they eligible for scholarships? Would they make enough to pay any student loans they may take? People also need to worry about if they have enough for a place to stay while in school, they also need to look at transportation. All of these factors are things that involve finance
Answer: C. Measles
Measles is a contagious disease which is caused by the Rubeola virus. It is an airborne disease which spread easily through sneezes and coughs of the infected person. It may also caused due to direct contact with the nasal secretions. It can spread when people share a common living space and lack immunity to fight against the disease causing symptoms.
The symptoms include cough, inflamed eyes, red rashes all over the body and begins with fever.
On the basis of the above information, measles is the disease due to which the client must be placed in a respiratory isolation so as to prevent the infection to other people.
You can use a plotting compass or iron filings to detect a magnetic field:
1.put a piece of paper over a magnet (this stops the iron filings sticking to the magnet)
2. sprinkle iron filings onto the paper
3.gently tap the paper to spread the filings out
4.observe and record the results
Cellular respiration
The point of cellular respiration is to get energy for the cell. ATP is the "energy currency" of the cell that enables it to function at normal levels. In cellular respiration, a process called <u>glycolysis</u> breaks down glucose to obtain large amounts of ATP.