The correct answer is: business cycle
a-1. Strictly considering tax factors, should Nitai work or repair his car if the $420 he must pay to have his car fixed is not deductible?
a-2. Given the answer in a-1 above, by how much is Nitai better or worse off?
- If Natia works during the weekend, he will have $42 more than if he repairs his car.
additional revenue generated by working on weekend = $525 x (1 - 12%) = $462
cost of repairing the car at Autofix = $420
net benefit of working during the weekend = additional revenue - cost of repairing the car at Autofix = $462 - $420 = $42
This is false.
The statement in the question interchange the meanings of the two terms. The correct definitions are therefore given as follows:
Libel is can be described as a written or published false statement about another person that damages their reputation unjustly.
Slander refers a spoken false statement about another person that damages their reputation unjustly.
Based on the definitions above, the statement in the question can be correctly rewritten as follows:
Slander is a defamatory or hurtful remark told about someone to others, and libel is when this remark or comment is broadcast over the TV, radio, printed in a publication, or forwarded to others on the Internet.
The answer is: D) Crimson’s dividends received deduction is $21,000
The dividends received deduction (DRD) allows a company that earns dividends from another company, to deduct those earnings (dividends) from its income tax.
The three tiers of possible deductions are:
- If the company owns ≤20% of the second company, it can deduct 70% of the dividends received.
- If the company owns ˃20% but ≤80% of the second company, it can deduct 80% of the dividends received.
- If the company owns ˃80% of the second company, it can deduct 100% of the dividends received.
Since Crimson owned 15% of the second company, then it can deduct 70% of the dividends it received, which equals $21,000 ($30,000 x 70%).
Human relations.
<u>Human relations</u> is a passageway that beamed at the perception of how psychological, as well as social processes, communicate with the work position to affect execution. Human relations was the primary significant approach to maintain informal work relations as well as workmen fulfillment. In fact, human relations appeared in a study analysis that essentially became a scientific management study that emerged in the exploration of the Hawthorne effect.