OD is the correct answer Hope you get a good test grade It is Use a barter system .
Because it lets them have equal say with other states
States with smaller populations favor having a set number of representatives in Congress because it allows them to still have an influence on politics. If representation in a body of power depends on population size, then the states with a larger population will have more representatives, and therefore the interests of the larger states will be pushed more, while the smaller states' voices will be drowned out. Larger states would most likely prefer representation based on population because it gives them more say on politics and because it serves the interests of the majority of the overall population.
(A) Studying algebraic equations in math.
This was made possible by contributions of Islamic civilizations
“Muslim scholars” contributed largely in the field of Mathematics in the golden age of Islamic civilization. “Arabic number system” is widely used even today.
The first great achievement was introduction of ‘’Arabic numerals’’. It explains the "place-value" theory, which allows numbers to be expressed by “nine figures” and zero. This development made calculation very simple and also paved the way for the development of a completely new division of mathematics which is “algebra”. Even Arabic words entered Western vocabulary like “Al-JABR” became “Algebra”.
Hitler’s rise to power started when he became politically involved and joined the Deutsche Arbeiterspartei. From there he worked himself up in the party, which later became the Nazi Party, through charm, violence and cunning negotiations. He was an excellent speaker and surrounded himself with people who, like him, were not afraid to use violence to fulfil their political objectives. At one stage, Hitler recognized that he was one of the best speakers in the Nazi party and demanded that they make him party leader or he would walk out. They conceded and he became party leader. Hitler became Führer when Hindenburg died, Hitler declared himself jointly president, chancellor and head of the army. Members of the armed forces had to swear a personal oath of allegiance not to Germany, but to Hitler. This formally made Hitler the absolute ruler of Germany.
To multiply three factors, we first multiply two of the factors together. Then we multiply the product we get by the third factor. Since multiplication is commutative, we may multiply numbers in any order.