He has an epiphany about General Zaroff’s attitudes towards humans and what it feels like to be rich.
This is a subjective question, so there are certainly no "right" answers. Here are some close-examination strategies:
- Read the text through quickly, and then re-read more slowly until you feel that you understand what the text's purpose is and how each sentence contributes to a greater understanding.
- Highlight key words or phrases that show what the text's theme/topic/focus is.
- Examine the way information is presented. Is it scholarly, humorous, uncertain, etc?
- Is the text part of a larger work? If so, why is this excerpt significant? If not, then why is it meaningful standing alone?
- Research the author/person who created the text. Find out what drove them to write it or what they were trying to do.
- Is there a specific audience that the text is intended for? This relates to prior questions, but you could go deeper as well and look at how the text makes you feel, or whether you have learned a new way of thinking about something.
You can learn a lot by examining a text from different perspectives, including the typical characteristics of-- who, what, when, where, why, how?
Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter (or sound) at the beginning of closely connected words. Of the 22 words in this sentence, 4 of them start with "st," as to "br," which is only 1 word, "sp," which is only 1 word, and "ut," which is also only 1 word. Hope this helped!
The definition of benevolence is 'kindness, the quality of being well meaning'. This definition does not indicate that the writer is referring at all to any sort of animal or animalistic qualities in the way that 'cub', 'weasel' and 'scratching' do to describe an animal.</span>
Because you started earlier