On July 4, 1826, less than two years before "King Andrew" ascended to the "throne," the Yankee John Adams and the aristocratic Virginian Thomas Jefferson both passed away. America's Revolutionary generation was gone. With them went the last vestiges of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican <span>parties.</span>
The main reason why OPEC imposed an oil embargo on the US is because the US supported Israel in its “Yom Kippur War” with Egypt, and OPEC was made up of states that were against Israel, who was fighting the war against Egypt.
In ancient Athens, only the very wealthiest people paid direct taxes, and these went to fund the city-state's most important national expenses – the navy and honors for the gods. While today it might sound astonishing, most of these top taxpayers not only paid happily, but boasted about how much they paid.
B. The appeal of freedom and the containment of Communism