The mesoamericans where atypical to the lifestyle of neolithic peroid.
- The agriculture in Mesoamerica dates to 8000-2000 BC, the hunter was leading a nomadic style of hunting and gathering in the early Pleistocene, cultivation of crops was practiced near the seasonal camps.
- The surplus was left for drought days the style of cultivation progressed and food became increasingly important for people.
- The increase of permanent settlements and lead to greater reliance on domesticated crops. Eventually, people started to live sedentary lifestyles. The most important crops were maize, squash, and beans.
The four river valley civilizations were the Tigris & Euphrates Valleys, the Nile River Valley, the Indus River Valley, and the Yellow River Valley. Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish. Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile.
I think it is the belief that the earth rotated on an axis and that major advances in calculus